Katya is an accomplished non-for-profit professional and biologist with over 13 years of managerial experience in East Africa. She brings to BCSS a wealth of knowledge on legal and institutional compliance, operational and administrative management, and financial controls.


Besides her managerial skills, Katya has a strong conservation background possessing MSc in biology. Her professional aspiration is cetaceans research, and she has been collecting data on humpback whales’ ecology in Tanzania since 2017.

Latest articles by Katya

World cleanup day at BCSS

World Clean Up Day on Benguerra Island, September 21, 2019

As part of our community first plastic and recycling programme, BCSS research manager Karen Bowles helped lead the year six and seven students of Benguerra Primary School in a clean-up effort for World Clean Up Day 2019.

humpback whale

Unique Acoustic-behavioural Research of Humpback Whales set to continue at BCSS

In September last year we had the pleasure at the Bazaruto Center for Scientific Studies (BCSS) of hosting Deep Voice, an Israeli research team studying acoustic social calls of Humpback Whales in the Bazaruto Archipelago. In celebration of World Oceans Day and in anticipation of their next visit in a few months’ time, we share their experience with us.

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