BCSS Coordinates a “Platform of Opportunity” for Scientific Samples & Data in Oceanic Sailing Cruise in the Atlantic Ocean

Leg 1
The first leg of the journey involves crossing the Atlantic Ocean, navigating along the entire South American coast, and then crossing to near Antarctica (weather-allowing, and within permited distances to mainland).

Leg 2
For the second leg, the route entails a south-to-north navigation of the Atlantic, constituting a purely oceanic cruise.

Explore Scientific Opportunities of data acquisition by the Bruce Roberts vessel in collaboration with BCSS

VESSEL: 14 m (46 feet) sailing boat (“Bruce Roberts”)
EXTRA DINGHY: 3 m + 8 cv engine 
2 people (NB: these positions are already fulfilled)
AVAILABLE UNITS: Boat speed, Depth, GPS, tracked route
START/END PORT: Cabo de Palos (Murcia) – SPAIN
STOPOVERS: Canary Islands, Cape Verde, Fernando de Noronha, Rio Grande, Montevideo, Puerto Madryn, Punta Arenas, Antarctica (pass by), South Georgia (pass by), Azores.

ESTIMATED END DATE: February-March 2025

BCSS’s role extends beyond coordination of data and samples collection; we connect cruise crews with any scientist/institution that would like to obtain samples/data (within reason “easy-to-obtain” from a sailing boat), provided gear/consumables are provided.

Sample Collection
These seawater samples can also be shared with other scientists. BCSS will also keep a cruise log of all marine animals (with a surface behaviour) encountered e.g. marine mammals, with associated meta-data.

Callout for Proposals
Scientists are invited to propose specific samples, data, and measurements for collection during the cruise (NB: other than what is going to be collected by BCSS). Our dedicated crew of two and BCSS experts are ready to assist.

Examples of Requests
eDNA water samples, animal sightings, seawater samples, and more. Samples, data, and any requests will be accommodated weather-allowing, within reason (feasible to do), and within permited distances to mainland in critical areas (e.g. Antactica). There is a very high possibility cruise sub-leg “Punta Arenas-Antarctica area” does not take place. At any rate, in the vicinity of Antarctica only photos can be taken.

Collaboration Guidelines
Collaborating scientists are responsible for preparing materials, consumables, and providing clear sampling/data instructions and protocols.

How to Request/Participate
Send your inquiry to Dr Mario Lebrato at mario.lebrato@bcssmz.org. Join BCSS in shaping the future of marine exploration.

For questions about this article, please contact:
Mario Lebrato, Bazaruto Center for Scientific Studies

Bazaruto Center for Scientific Studies
Host of the first permanent Ocean Observatory focused on multi-ecosystem time series research in Africa, the Bazaruto Center for Scientific Studies (BCSS) was established in 2017 as in independent, non-profit organisation with a mission to protect and support the fragile ecosystems of the Bazaruto Archipelago, Mozambique. The research station is located on Benguerra Island, off the coast of Mozambique.

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